Hiromitsu Japanese Akita & Shiba

Akita & Shiba puppies out of the best bloodlines !
Akita & Shiba puppy's uit de beste bloedlijnen !

Welcome to our "Hiromitsu" website !

We (Fons & Miranda Swiggers-Lodewijks) bought our first Akita at Yumenoshima in the Netherlands in 2005.  Since then we've lost our hearts to the Japanese Akita.

We started to learn more about the breed and we turned our hobby into our profession. Apart from having an online shop for Akita stuff we occupy ourselves 24/7 with our stunners !

We have Japanese Akita from different blood lines imported from all over the world.
We are breeders of these fantastic dogs but above all we are show people. We enter our dogs in shows in Belgium and abroad with excellent results.


Enjoy our website and feel free to contact us for more information by mail or by phone !

Hiromitsu Akita & Shiba

Fons & Miranda Swiggers-Lodewijks

Tel.: +32 (0)11/75 78 45
GSM: +32 (0)468/11 20 46

e-mail: hiromitsu@telenet.be

BTW: BE1014447477

Het gamma van Dogsupply is te koop bij Hiromitsu.

© Hiromitsu Akita & Shiba Kennels Belgium